
2023年7月12日—IcrashedmyMini2intoalaketheotherdayandthoughtforsurethatitwasdeadforever.Iletitdryoutforaweekorsoanddecided ...,2021年5月12日—Itjustgotcaughtupinsometreesandcrashed,completelydestroyingit.IwasstupidenoughtonothavetakentheDJIrefresh,Iamwondering ...,IfyouhaveaMavicMinithentheyweresubjecttouncommandeddescents,duetotherearpropellerbladesbeingdeformedandlesseffectivethantheyshouldbe....

Water Crash

2023年7月12日 — I crashed my Mini 2 into a lake the other day and thought for sure that it was dead forever. I let it dry out for a week or so and decided ...

Crashed my DJI MINI 2

2021年5月12日 — It just got caught up in some trees and crashed, completely destroying it. I was stupid enough to not have taken the DJI refresh, I am wondering ...

mini 2 suddenly lose altitude and crash

If you have a Mavic Mini then they were subject to uncommanded descents, due to the rear propeller blades being deformed and less effective than they should be.

Mini 2 SE Crash records

2023年6月28日 — I crashed my mini 2 se on its very first flight,but only damaged the propellers and luckily I was still able to pick it back.

Mini 2 Crashed Itself

2022年12月26日 — Drones have survived the loss of 1/2 prop i.e. one entire blade and a fair proportion of the prop hub, and been controllable but they did have ...

Mini 2 crashed but why??

2023年10月16日 — Hi All I was attempting to do a roof inspection. A very constricted site with about 30 ft between two 8 storey buildings.